Thursday, May 1, 2014


Gertrude Stein has 18 translated and assembled parts book for the first time in Brazil | Portal Writer Elaine Elesbão
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Hard to imagine that some other Parisian address has housed more creative arques spirits per square meter that the house of Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), located on Rue de Fleurus, 27, near the Luxembourg Gardens. - Paris was the vital center of the modernists, an open language experiences in all the arts town. Gertrude met all these avant-garde artists at home, and this dialogue has led to risk in his writing, and theater - the researcher Dirce Waltrick do Amarante. PhD in Literary Theory from Federal University of Santa Catarina, Dirce signs, with the researcher Luci Collin, organization and first translation into Portuguese of 18 pieces of Stein, now gathered in the book "What you looking at - Theatre (1913-1920 ) "(Illuminations). - It is the first time that part of her theater can be read in Portuguese - Luci says, noting that the pieces were assembled for the first time in the book "Geography and Plays" published in 1922 in the United States by the publisher Four Seas Company. - These are innovative works, written in her most experimental period, after arriving in France. After leaving the United States and settling in Paris in 1903, and then officially in 1908, his marriage with Alice Toklas, Stein made his home between the 1910s and 20, a bustling scene of parties and intellectual encounters that led to the outbreak which was conceived as modernism. Ali, paraded, and dueled got drunk and wayward genius creators, such as Picasso and Matisse, Cézanne, Gauguin, Braque, among others. On the walls of the house, they saw themselves hanging the first screens of them - until there still little valuables, signed by avant-garde whose importance was recognized only later. But beyond the visual screens and inks, the manor Stein was a scene inhabited by artists from various languages, as all the "lost generation" of American expatriate writers, including arques Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald and John Dos Passos, photographers as Man Ray and Carl Van Vechten, arques poets like Ezra Pound and Appolinaire, and playwrights as James Avery Hopwooda and Jean Cocteau. - The theater is imagined by Stein as a reflection of what happened in that room, ie the scene as a meeting and coexistence of the different artistic languages - Luci analyzes. - Writing it descends from Cézanne and Picasso. Stein constructs the text layered incomplete senses, undermines the idea of communication, univocal understanding, breaks with predictable and authoritarian order of discourse, rhetoric, it throws open communication, but it is still misunderstood die because of fear everything that does not give us secure bases. His theater arques is inviting artists and creative and courageous spectators. Hopefully people to venture. In Beckett's rap classic "The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas," published in Brazil by Cosac Naify, Stein says that he wrote his first play, "It happened to play" (not included in the "What are you looking"), in summer 1913, the same year he signed "What happened" ("What happened"), short text which forms the opening to the Brazilian compendium. Besides the novelty arques of translations, the release sheds light on transgressive nature of the play written by the author, considered a precursor to major disruptions and renovations made by contemporary theater. For both researchers and other scholars of the work of Stein, anticipated arques or influenced their parts since the advent of performance to the conceptions arques of post-dramatic theater, the existential absurd and illogical Samuel Beckett and even landscape and abstract staging of Robert Wilson as well as games of repetition arques and random combination of John Cage, through literature in a fragmented collage cut-ups of Paul Bowles and William Burroughs beat, culminating, for more exotic as it sounds, and divisions in the metric of American rappers. - His hypnotic game monosyllables, assonance and repetition is a precursor of frenzied poetry rappers. Just compare his musical work "Four Saints in Three Acts" with the structure of the verses created by (rapper) Tupac Shakur, for example - says the actor, director and playwright Luiz Paetow. - His works-landscapes are as important as Artaud's theater of cruelty, it influenced Heiner Müller and mantric-mental works of Wilson aesthetics. Scholar of the writer, he has conceived, directed and starred in two soils inspired by the works of Stein, dubbed "Parts" (2006) and "Abracadabra" (2011). - His theater takes place in chav

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