Sunday, November 3, 2013

The most characteristic feature of people who want to treat autism is - of course - the refusal to

History of knowledge of autism, Part IV | My corner
In 1954 he was made - again from the Austrian! - An important discovery related to the autism spectrum. In the waiting room of the Viennese pediatrician Andreas Rett (Rett) accidentally detect two mothers whose girls wringing their hands the same way. Dr. Rhett began to seek and find other girls with the same picture: normal black coffee childbirth, 6-18 months of normal development followed by regression, loss of first words and other skills already acquired, mobility problems, mental retardation and autism. The growth of the head strongly slows or stops, it becomes less visible to the body. In 1960, another doctor in Sweden - Berndt Hagberg, regardless of Rett syndrome noticed that their small patients. In 1966, Rhett published an article about open its state, which called the complex black coffee named "tserebroatrofichna black coffee hyperammonemia." But as the article is in German, it goes unnoticed - just like Aspeger. Scientific community know about this rare condition black coffee until 1983, when Dr. Hagberg and his collaborators have described in an article in English under the name of Rett syndrome. Already in this first communication researchers suggest - and their hypothesis is subsequently confirmed - that the condition is genetic and is due to the "dominant mutation in one chromosome affecting girls and lethal to male fetuses."
In many ways, Rett syndrome differs from other autism spectrum black coffee disorders. And one of the differences is that on it - provided it is properly diagnosed - are not have been attempted quack "treatments." Even the most ignorant black coffee and gullible people nowadays know that we can not play with the genes. In other states, however, causes black coffee autism is still being clarified. In fact there is every reason to believe that any diagnosis of the spectrum is collectively for a number of conditions with different causes and manifestations. As specialists often can only suggest what causes mental retardation in one or another child, and we can not expect in the foreseeable future to find the causes of autism in each case.
It is also important that Rett syndrome visible external signs (severe black coffee motor disabilities, little head) reveal the seriousness of the situation with merciless clarity. The same goes for "normal" (unaccompanied by autism) mental retardation, even when its cause is not known. Most children with autism, however, look quite normal. And as the more Langdon Down, it makes parents hope that things black coffee will get better on their own over time. Over the last half century for many parents and some "professionals", a new, far more futile hope, that somehow they will be able to cure autism. This is the topic of this post.
The most characteristic feature of people who want to treat autism is - of course - the refusal to accept it. Moreover, they demonize, black coffee not only equate it to rare its worst forms, and separate autistic from mankind. To quote mined sad notoriety words of Jonathan Sestak - a father of a child with autism and founder of the organization "Cure Autism Now": "You black coffee have a child - and you do not have. What you have is a shell ghostly outline of your old dreams and hopes "(You black coffee have your child, and yet you don't have him. You have a shell, a ghost of all the dreams and hopes you ever had). "My baby was stolen" - complained the mother of an autistic child, quoted from the same source. General notion of autism as a kidnapper of children is a leitmotif in parental narratives. Many vow to "return the child back" and "defeat" (cure) autism. Even talking about an empty shell, they imagine that inside it captured, sitting their real child who wished and seemed for a time had. It is their duty to release him and tear autistic shell.
Described idea, fueled by the normal appearance of the child and often from its normal initial development, however, is far from the truth. Autism, whether due to hereditary reasons or early environmental factors acting is printed deep on the overall structure and functions of the nervous system. Not surprisingly, the 80 years of the twentieth century autistic spectrum disorders are referred to in the literature pervasive - general (not) penetration. They affect the quality of each individual and penetrated throughout. Normal child that parents black coffee want to "take back" does not exist and never existed even in regressive forms of autism. Therefore, as the autistic Frank Klein, the treatment of autism at all possible, it would mean replacing an autistic person to another. But it is not possible

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