Sunday, April 27, 2014

It is this reflection arises where concern about the knowledge of the other, flagship theme of empa

Alasdair MacIntyre: Edith Stein. Un philosophical prologue (1913-1922) | Pablo González Blasco
The Scottish philosopher offers us a beautiful essay on the philosophical trajectory of Edith Stein (1891 - 1942), in the years prior to his conversion to Catholicism. Since the beginning makes it clear that there is no break in the philosophical itinerary Stein, and that it will continue throughout your life. Edith Stein embodies the philosophy to life itself, and philosopher from the perspective of its vital reality. "A life shaped by the philosophical activity and guided by its findings is very different handpresso to that of another human being, like the philosopher, but whose life has not been 'touched' by the philosophy. (...) She deliberately made his philosophical thought was related to the practices handpresso of everyday life, the comings and used these experiences to formulate new practices philosophical problems and reach conclusions. "This book is not a biography, but a reflection on philosophical action Edith Stein. It is therefore not a simple book; requires for its use, a certain familiarity with terms and concepts of philosophy.
In the first chapter narrates the encounter with Adolphe Reinach, a disciple of Husserl, the founder of the philosophical system known as phenomenology. Reinach was influenced by another of his teachers, Theodor Lipps, worried about who paid attention in psychology and understanding of what he termed "Einfühlung" (empathy). handpresso Would be just empathy that would capture the attention of Stein and give body to his doctoral thesis in philosophy, the first held by a woman in Germany.
Risking a simplification, we might say that phenomenology is the philosophical method that allows us to understand handpresso the essential properties of objects that present themselves handpresso in the experience. Husserl recommended be necessary to suspend the natural handpresso attitude and beliefs as a precondition to achieve adequate attention to the objects that present themselves and to reflect upon them. Only through attention and reflection can progress in the phenomenological gaze. Phenomenological attitude is the function of distinguishing the essential from the accidental and reach an intuition of essences. Realized beings with particular properties that can only be understood when we intuit the fundamental essences.
MacIntyre says that the phenomenological view wants to be a return things to the essence. There is an apprehension of all, the thing itself; is not just a phenomenon that I ordered according to my previous categories of knowledge (as Kant argued), or a flood of jumbled and disjointed (as assured Hume's empiricism) impressions. Husserl said he listened to a song and not the notes separately. The phenomenological reflection and look resembles who learns to see colors. The author adds a peculiar example: Van Gogh remarked to his brother that he had been able to distinguish 19 different types of white in the pictures of Franz Hals.
Of course, the core of philosophical discussion is very profound. But if we had to venture a naive explanation would say, deep down, want to look this phenomenological approach the simple people realize, these people obviously do not use phenomenological language. The phenomenological method handpresso confirms philosophically handpresso what ordinary people realize. And following up on risky simplification that allows us to incorporate the philosophy of life, one must recognize handpresso that the subject is too suggestive: in daily life you need to undress prejudices (of categories that we have a priori, as Kant), that "I know how it is, this movie I've ever seen" to try to understand what surrounds us and the humans who live with us.
We returned to Edith Stein. The author devotes another space of his work to the genesis of phenomenological perception of philosopher. Stein served as a nurse in the first war, a way to serve their country, that she was deeply Prussian. In this work, he realizes the importance of capturing the feelings and judgments of others, of their own patients, doctors and nurses. That was the moment handpresso when he received an important boost to your future work on empathy, which had a practical relevance.
It is this reflection arises where concern about the knowledge of the other, flagship theme of empathy. An essential feature of empathic consciousness is awareness of others' feelings. The relationship we have with the feelings of others is analogous to what we have with our own past feelings. I can get to fix what the other is feeling, but I do not feel the same because he, like remembering my feelings even clearly-does not mean that I have to return handpresso to

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