Sunday, November 3, 2013

I have no idea whether those villains from the CIA, for which we are so well informed primarily by

Ivo Indzhev | Luxury conversation about the misery of Bulgarian journalism
On May 3, declared World Day of the media, held a conversation about the misery of Bulgarian journalism amidst the luxurious surroundings of the hotel "Sheraton". Although I was invited (and even spoke), I was not particularly impressed by harmless discussion. It would not do cocked hat rulers frothy of Bulgarian media poverty. Was not mentioned nor even hint at the fact that a second consecutive government enjoys the convenience to command media parade through the bank, which had ordered the largest public companies keep their money through deductions from which the corresponding banker buys using dummy wholesale party newspapers, frothy radio stations, TV stations, websites and journalists serving the same authority.
However, from the mouth of the foreign guests of the rostrum was heard at least one interesting information that deserves to reach audiences outside the narrow circle of listeners selected in "Sheraton". Here's what you told German journalist Carl Gabe
"The release of the power of the State Security, frothy at least in Germany, is a very important issue. In East Germany we had Honecker and his secret police, and had a Ceausescu Romania and Bulgaria - Todor Zhivkov. But after 1990, no former member of the Stasi was not allowed to work in the German media. frothy " In this part of his reply no surprises. But now be careful not to miss the final, who missed the past ears polite Bulgarian participants in the event, some of which, judging by their twisted unpleasantly surprised faces, they would have a heart attack - probably recognized frothy yourself analogy: "Last year, 11 former Stasi officials were discovered to be working in public radio and TV stations. All were fired without notice. frothy Similarly media released by collaborators of the West German intelligence, "added Karl Gabe probably not be aware of how worried disguised in Bulgaria employees or agents of the past and inherit them secret frothy police under the pretext that they are useful in today's democratic Bulgaria.
Will only add that after severe shocks across its U.S. offices subjected to heavy fire from lawmakers for cases of illegal activities in the United States is prohibited by decades journalists to be recruited. Overriding assumption is that the journalist serve the public interest through its independent opinion and not through the subordination of administrative structures whose priorities are influenced by the political situation.
I have no idea whether those villains from the CIA, for which we are so well informed primarily by the Americans themselves through their films, yet violate the law in this regard. But it is striking that such a prohibition is transgressed and whoever will be on trial if accused with evidence. In brotherly Russia is another: there have no films on hand job, but they are not only among journalists, frothy but mostly on top of their state. How do you plan to which model is closer?
Thus in the USA and Germany. And how is their allied Bulgaria? We are not entitled to know, but only suspect suspicious frothy silence on the issue is a form of implicit recognition that there is a "bit" different: as much as it is in regard frothy to the obvious shopping journalists rates as would impressed colleagues with incomparably higher demands for payment frothy in Germany and the USA.
Said Karl named Gabe and ceiling for the amount of gifts that journalists are entitled to receive in Germany: 35. Poor! This is considered normal purposes delegations from selected edits to walk in to the other side of the world, frothy then all together to write about how wonderful frothy Russian nuclear power plant was in China to justify the resources frothy invested in their walk thousands of dollars. Also nobody cares that while some recognized eminent journalists chase them from working through humiliating offers of 400 lev per month, others buy them for 5 and 7000 lev per month, as happened with the transfer of two people in the news Nova TV (third colleague, as I wrote, even offered 12,000 a month for the same transfer!) in TV 7 luxury product of that spin with government money in an otherwise private corporate commercial bank. Not to mention their boss Barekov paid many times more than his subordinates newsreaders who flaunt wealth that sincere push-straight from the heart, to the arena of media obsession.
And I think, when you will win this desolate frothy communism in our country? With so many slave labor, our victory against the rotten world of capitalism is guaranteed. You only have to stand up and get rid of their chains. For the vast majority have nothing to lose except frothy them.
Maple Dachkov that many people lied to somersault their subservience to political idol Ivan Kostov and became a servant of other masters, trying to get me branded a liar

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