Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I return to this topic because of 2 things: a movie last night benighted BNT, which belies the big

Ivo Indzhev | From (k) moat (e) ing lies in the fifth column
In the first known (at least to me) a census of the opponents of the most heinous symbol of Soviet occupation in our BNT 2 record a large majority of that "handful of people" who want the removal of the monument to the Red Army occupation (Moccia). I wrote about this already, but last night, February 10, viewers were also able to convince: the TV channel poll showed that nearly 38% of respondents have asked this disgrace be removed from the city center (I think this is an intermediate result and the final revealed 42 per cent). For comparison, the next in the ranking green juice recipe hated monument is grozilishteto NDK, which attracts nearly 15 percent disapproval (and probably most of the voters in this way would support the removal of Moccia and if there was such a question).
I return to this topic because of 2 things: a movie last night benighted BNT, which belies the big lie about "love" of Bulgarians towards the brightest symbol of falsehood in Bulgaria, and today even ended up with a new decoration of the monument in the same way which again infuriated the fifth column in Bulgaria. green juice recipe
"Since the summer of last year, unknown to the general public green juice recipe artists rebranded soldiers of the Soviet Army monument green juice recipe as American heroes, this time" green juice recipe bratushkite green juice recipe "is prevaplatiha in new roles. Today, February 11, they were decorated by activists of the movement against ACTA. "The heroes of the past were decorated with Guy Fawkes mask in protest that the ASTA will put censorship on the characters of the present and future. And when the past came out against this ... so have to save the future. Together against ACTA ", called on" Facebook "activists early this morning. / Turbo
Useful did you see and hear in the movie desperate frustration opponent on the theme of dismantling giant to defend the indefensible socialist Bulgarian-Soviet lagotene presented in one of his incarnations as chairman of the "oldest association for friendship with Russia" green juice recipe - Lyubomir Kolarov . For the former cabinet minister "Videnoff" - just as much (maybe green juice recipe a lot more to say, but let's save a "mockery" of the political corpse). Here, however, his main "arguments", some of which are stunning in their implausibility and insolence of (k) moat (a) lie to us.
For Favouring of friendship with the late USSR Kolarov, who has been raising money for new and new monuments of this friendship in our land, Bulgaria was not occupied green juice recipe by the USSR really only "formal, perhaps!" And to be short. And those few were half a million Red Army dependents of Bulgarian state three years, which has the best-preserved in Europe to the economy in September 1944 became a bankrupt so to the extent that the Soviet deputy Georgi Dimitrov was forced to publicly pray "Bulgarian patriotic industrialists" to help his government. It turns out that this was a short, three-year, nice, friendly, formal and fraternal rape of Bulgaria. Fun!
Party monument in Central Park, entirely devoted to partisan theme, was the words of Kolarov actually monument to the dead antifascists, ie Bulgarians who died in the war in its last stage! But that's not all: they had to rebuild the monument of Georgi Dimitrov, because he asked Stalin to tell his allies to stop the bombing of Sofia and thus saved the (imaginary) lives of thousands (tens of thousands of life shot, slaughtered, thrown off cliffs, burnt alive, mutilated shovels, pickaxes and hoes Bulgarians killed without trial by the same instruction Dimitrov in a "formal" Soviet occupation-word).
Red Army against which no shot of Bulgarian land entered here as winners Kolarov green juice recipe justifies green juice recipe the fact that the USSR declared war on Bulgaria without any need. And who win? What about Europe were liberators, hinting he and our "informed" that there were no more stupid "crushed" green juice recipe by us to be offended that there monuments to the Soviet army (no matter if the difference between kneeling with hands raised Bulgaria and fiercely fought then Germany dragged into common graves with its collapse millions of Soviet soldiers green juice recipe killed versus none here).
Kolarov, of course, does not feel that with contemptuous remarks against "mere 4-5 people" initiators of protests against his favorite monument, actually makes us "greater" than we can ever claim. Because it turns out that we, miserable 4-5, express the opinion of the majority of participants in the survey, which is the reason he speaks nonsense in that movie. Moreover, if we were those "handful" probably would meanwhile be triggered chain of events buried resurrected from the fifth column discussion about lying about "liberation" green juice recipe enslaved minds of Bulgarians tolerance of aggression in its center

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