Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Anyone who loves coffee will be served every morning would enjoy the best taste and aroma while not

What to buy coffee pressure, buy the best coffee palanca Pressure | Recipes for Coffee
Anyone who loves coffee will be served every morning would enjoy the best taste and aroma while not wasting too much time on its preparation. With the help of our coffee comes pressure. Prices espresso tend to be different, ranging from about 100 zł to about 50 000! The price difference is amazing, as are a variety palanca of parameters and types of espresso machines.
7/9/25/25/88-92. These numbers are the measure of excellence espresso italiano determined by the Italian Institute of Espresso Italiano. It means seven grams of ground coffee, through which the pressure of 9 bar for 25 seconds passed 25 milliliters of water having a temperature of 88-92 degrees Celsius. Stores offer many different models and types of espresso machines. How to choose the one that will best meet our expectations and we will make real Italian espresso? palanca These are the questions I will try to answer in the following listing. Manual, automatic or semi-automatic?
Type of the machine is directly related to the quality of brewed coffee. The fact that we have the best mix, best coffee grinder and the best quality palanca water, does not mean that our coffee will not affect the quality of the brew. Quite the contrary.
Coffee manual, or professional will be required from us barista skills. Spoons, palanca in what is provided, or porta-filter must be of great quality. For them, pour mix and kneading tamper. The word kneading may be associated badly. Standards are tamper pressure for coffee in the porta-filter and amount to 15-20 kg. If we'll do too much espresso will come out burnt, if the poor - watered. Setting the brewing time and amount of water also is important. Ideal time to brew espresso is 25 s 2.5 s Deciding on a coffee, we need to be aware of their skills or prepare for science and great adventure :)
Of course, they are easier to use automatic coffee. In their case, our share of the brewed coffee is limited only to refill palanca the tanks with water and coffee, and a selection of the number of cups. Coffee grinds the beans himself, measured the appropriate serving of coffee and brew. No need to bother each time a disposal grounds. They are collected in a special tank, which only periodically drain and rinse with water. Mill
We have already mentioned the mill - it is worth to say about him. The best coffee grinders are grinders. The second important criterion that we have to consider, choosing a coffee mlący this regulation. If the mill is provided with them can be considered worth buying for coffee if you do not, you better think about it. From the mills that grind too finely palanca involves channeling - a negative phenomenon, which spoils the coffee. Not every species of ground coffee for the same. Depending on the particle size and the degree of roasting to prepare espresso ideal fineness needed is different. Selection of the appropriate degree is a matter of practice, time and play control. How to grind the coarse, the water is not evenly pushes the coffee, creating a brew with a smooth crema texture and uniform color, palanca but escapes channels palanca directly into the cup, creating a dark liquid without palanca aroma. It is, in short, channeling - the bane of baristas. If you grind too fine brew will be weak. The question of practice. More about the mills in the entry coffee grinders. Coffee and milk foam
For fans of cafe latte and cappuccino coffee most important part of the pressure system will be frothing and heating the milk, how they will be equipped with the device. To enable the generation of hot coffee milk foam, it may be simply provided with a simple nozzle to be placed in the jug of milk. If, however, we are looking for something better we should consider the coffee system cappuccinatore. Its operation is based on the fact that the milk container (cardboard cup) put a special hose and nozzle cup substitutes, which milk foam is poured. The sales are also available with built-in coffee milk container, which means that the only thing we have to do to get a cappuccino, pour it into the milk.
For me personally works best for manual frothing nozzle, which provides control over the entire palanca process. It has one or three holes through which the flies steam at high pressure, which we should learn to adjust and frothed palanca milk. Frothing milk is also an art that we possess, that our coffee was excellent. The milk must be heated to a suitable temperature about 60-70 degrees (C) and foamed simultaneously.
The best effect is to create a vortex of light during palanca foaming. This can be achieved through special maneuver cup. For starters, you can even equip a mug with a special thermometer, so that we control the situation (later gain a skill and senses the ideal temperature). See how to froth milk

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