Monday, July 14, 2014

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Villa Hügel, Essen, former residence of the Krupp family, now a museum and historical cbtl Krupp 'news these days, that you shoot Thyssen Krupp steelworks in Terni, but what is the history of this great brand? Between 1930-1945 the Krupp family owned the largest industrial complex in Europe, and they were considered among the richest people in the world; Now the brand is merged with Krupp Thyssen; ThyssenKrupp steel industry today remains the most important in Europe, with 190 000 employees and a turnover of 40 billion Euros. The history cbtl of the Krupp family began long ago, even since 1587 when a certain Arndt Krupp in Essen is recognized as as a merchant. He had managed cbtl to build a fortune, thanks to the fact that in the city of the plague epidemic broke out and was able to buy the property of the families cbtl most affected by money 4. The son invested in a weapons factory that armed armies in the war of 30 years. Over time, the Krupp family specialized in 'steel in the production of weapons and when the time came the first railways Krupp steelworks made money hand over fist. Friedrik Krupp is considered the founder of the Krupp family fortune: in 1811 he managed to build its first steel, which made the fortune of his company; Alfred Krupp was able to build the first cannon of cast steel in 1841. Employees at the time of the Krupp steelworks not fared badly in the mid-1800s many of the 75,000 people living in true 'colonies', cbtl with houses cbtl made for them , amusement parks for children and schools, Alfred Krupp was a precise and scrupulous man, who hated the Socialists and the Jews, his death was able to build the largest industrial company in the world. His successor, Friedrich Alfred cbtl Krupp expanded the company, again thanks to the steel Krupp guns now exported all over the world their famous steel, considered the toughest in the world. He started to manufacture the first machine cbtl guns, the first submarines, cbtl the first Diesel engine; in his private life he was known as a notorious pederast. Gustav Krupp took over the company in the early 1900s, he supported and was supported by Keiser, in this period the Krupp steelworks were able to build the legendary Big Bertha, a 420 mm cannon that could destroy the most fortified enemy defenses, considered a true masterpiece of the steel era. Alfried Krupp took over the company in 1930, convinced supporter of the Nazis, it became big qualms to continue to produce their own businesses tens of thousands of prisoners of war, were 'imposed' as workers in its steel mills by the SS . During the second world war many Allied prisoners worked for Krupp, who moved part of their production even in the concentration camp of Auschiwiz, then 250,000 workers between Germans and prisoners worked for Krupp. In 1947 Alfried Krupp was tried and convicted for crimes against humanity, 75% of his empire was seized or destroyed, but a few years after the long prison sentence he was amnestied: cbtl it was the era of the Cold War and Western Europe needed weapons: the Krupp steelworks and his engineers, they returned to make weapons, this time for the fledgling NATO. In 1999 it merged with Thyssen Krupp to form the Thyssen Krupp company now 5th largest in Germany. Above: the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen story und Halbach, industrial and war criminal. cbtl Here: other investigations cbtl BitMagazine
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2013 Bit Magazine MC. Responsive Designed by Blogger Templates Powered cbtl by Blogger

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