Monday, July 28, 2014

The wet method requires saskia rosendahl more knowledge and higher inverse consumption, but allows

The word "coffee" comes from the Latin name for the plant family Coffea. The plant family belongs to the Rubiaceaefamilie, which contains six thousand species. Most of these are tropical saskia rosendahl trees and shrubs. The plant family Caffea includes saskia rosendahl at least 25 (all indigenous) species in tropical Africa and some islands saskia rosendahl in the Indian Ocean.
For the coffee drinker, there are two main types:. Arabica coffee saskia rosendahl is known as a mild coffee. The only one who is drunk pure. Coffea canephora, robusta variety produces robusta beans: are often used in blends.
The two best known varieties are Typica and Bourbon, but there are also many types of derivatives, such as Caturra (Brazile and Colombia), Mundo Novo (Brazil), Tico (Central America), San Maron and Jamaica Blue Mountain. The arabica plant is a large shrub with dark green, oval leaves. The berries are oval and flattened contain two seeds. The berries are after 6 to 8 months.
The term robusta is the most cultivated species: Coffea canephora. This species is a large shrub or small tree and can be be 10 meters high. The berries are round and it takes eleven months before they are ripe. the seeds are oval and smaller than the arabica beans. Robusta coffee is grown in Southeast Asia, West Africa, Central Africa and Brazil.
After planting the trees can be harvested after three to four years. Each shrub bears 2 to 4 kg. fruit per year. This produces 800 grams of green coffee (which equates to about 700 grams of roasted coffee) The life of the tree is 20 to 30 years depending on conditions and care. The trees have a lot of sun and rain needed. Arabica trees thrive best at a temperature of 15 to 24 degrees Celsius. Robusta trees contrast thrive best in tropical temperatures (24-29 degrees Celsius) Both types can not withstand frost and then die off.
After 3 to 4 years of wearing the bushes or trees berries hanging saskia rosendahl in clusters along detakken. Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee plant, or - tree. If the berries are red, they are ready for harvesting. Among the red skin is flesh; below is the parchment (the pericarp) and a gelatinous layer that covers the beans. Because coffee in many different countries and at different heights are grown there are year-round fresh coffee beans available.
The coffee beans are plucked at one time or selectively picked. saskia rosendahl In selective picking are every 8 to 10 weeks only picked the red, ripe berries. An average picker picks per day about 50 to 100 kg. berries. Twenty percent of this is beans, which is 10 to 20 kg. beans per day. a picker does three to six days to fill. bale (from 45 to 60 kg.) The cost of the harvest is the half of the total cost that has a plantation.
There are two methods for editing before burning the beans. The dry method is the cheapest and is used for beans of inferior quality. With better beans, the wet method. For the dry method unwashed beans. The wet method is partially washed or washed coffee (mostly Arabica). saskia rosendahl Dry method:
This is the easiest and cheapest processing. The berries are (preferably in direct sunlight) spread across dry floors. They are turned regularly to prevent fermentation. In case of rain or low temperatures, the beans are covered. After about four weeks, if the moisture content is 12%, the berries are dry. the outside is dark brown and brittle, the beans are now loose in. It is important that the beans are not too dry, otherwise saskia rosendahl they beaschadigen easily during peeling. However, if they are not dry enough, saskia rosendahl they are susceptible to mold. Wet method:
The wet method requires saskia rosendahl more knowledge and higher inverse consumption, but allows for smoother and better quality. The pulp is removed immediately, without the need to dry the beans. First A machine (pulper) harvesting berries between a fixed and a moving saskia rosendahl surface or a surface with adjustable plates. This operation should take place as soon as possible (at least within 24 hours). If the berries are too long will be difficult to separate the pulp and may damage the beans thereby. The skin and the flesh are washed away with water. The water channels saskia rosendahl are so designed, that the lighter, unripe beans are separated from the heavier mature beans. Also with the Agaard sorter sorting: The beans are shaken through a sieve into a water tank. the large, heavy beans sink as before. The lighter beans are further fed into the tank.
Next comes the fermentation process: By the action of enzymes, the gelatinous layer removed. The beans are 12 to 36 hours stored in fermentation saskia rosendahl tanks. The epidermis is thus beachy structure

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