Thursday, February 5, 2015

Someone is angry and sends me amiably to crashing on a wall (sorry for the new car), ascribing too

Before deciding that Houellebecq is a symbol of the West threatened by Islam, you should read some of his books all better, to start the domain extension and the fight, all the way down to the building blocks, The Possibility of an Island, platform, etc.
Few living writers like Houellebecq esam have laid bare the despair of Western contemporary: "born in France, raised in France, slaughtered in France," as the label on a package of veal in which one of its protagonists is reflected. esam Few authors have screamed so much stronger and human existentialist their criticism towards the neo-capitalism and the way of life that comes to the point of imagining a kind of technological transhumanism as the only possible way out. And no politician has ever complained vincismo and social esam Darwinism current esam as Houellebecq in his debut book, certainly not the most mature but perhaps the most direct. esam
If the West refers to the pattern of life that we have created and which is now more than ever the currency in Italy - violent competition, one against all, companies such as agglomeration of solitudes seeking survival, consumption of products and fashions or policies generational as surrogates or placebos to get by in this desert - eye really recommend it to let go Houellebecq. As symbols esam of quell'occidente used - chess - Oscar Farinetti, Davide Serra, Flavio Briatore, people like that.
If we intend also to the West and especially the free, stinging and incorrect antibodies to the currency above, antibodies which fortunately we continue to produce in the form of criticism, literature, satire or whatever, then that's great Houellebecq.
"The dirty work of individualism" Ivo complaint that looks like a village priest. Forget, for poor readings and the clichés of a left Community and anti-liberal, that individualism is the basis of modern civilization and democracy. To know that you do not need to be enrolled in the association esam Bruno Leoni.
January 13, 2015 at 01:49
Someone is angry and sends me amiably to crashing on a wall (sorry for the new car), ascribing too nasty ideological kin (with that right?). That someone is trivial esam refuge in sloppy clericocomunisti slogans against individualism and consumerism filling his mouth with words that do not understand the meaning. It seems a waste of time to explain the meaning it had in Western thought the value of the individual, its centrality, the responsibility in the choices (for consumption), since their purpose is simply to feel alternative and "de Noantri left. " But I am more than you, at least until I run up the wall. How bad does, and not just for certain esam Muslims, research cherishing a label, an identity ...
AC in the wall is incorporated as a boy; consequently became very available aa believe at first to a system of bales, then to the opposite, always with the same bureaucratic esam stupidity: "countermand, comrades, now we are all individualists," he wrote Guareschi. In these cases, especially when the story is studied on the anti Bignamini (type "Stalin in bed with Hitler", happily forgetting that the year before were gone to bed with Hitler Chamberlain and Daladier, and the displacement of providential ' Red Army two hundred kilometers to the west prevented esam Hitler to come to Moscow in '41, - but these are metaphysical subtleties that the multitude does not get it) is easy to pose as bullies, hiding behind the power of the moment, until the wind of change again. PS Congratulations again to Forza_Renzi, which, by the way of a previous post of AC, a verdict fulminant: "civil service".
"In the US, the main place of choice is the individual. People must choose for themselves, sometimes very stubborn, regardless of what other people esam want or recommend. It's called "being esam honest with yourself." But really all individuals benefit from having this approach regarding the choices? Mark Lipper and I conducted an evening of studies in which we sought the answer to this question "- Sheena Iyengar
Tap Stalin titillates instincts even the communists "individualists" and for fifty years prescient. I am not aware that France and England have invaded Poland as did Stalin along with Hitler. Invasion (two hundred esam kilometers, not an encroachment) would be calculated so astu

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