Sunday, May 17, 2015

I also like the garbage burr grinder sometimes. But I value more to be really satisfied with a good

Now we are approaching fast approaching the new year. New Year's Resolutions and champagne. Love mostly the latter. Maybe you like I eaten through the Christmas holidays burr grinder and feel reasonably stocked up on Christmas. Love (too) Christmas. I was born hungry and Christmas to me is just another excuse to eat more and more often. I'm not the type to count calories and can not live by all that extreme eating directions as Paleo or whatever they called everyone together.
I think, though I try to live reasonably healthy and not at least provide healthy eating habits on to our five cubs. They must be able to distinguish between good and bad food. Healthy and unhealthy burr grinder food. You may like to eat sweets and unhealthy food sometimes, but I want they know what's in and that some of it is pure garbage. Sometimes they eat at "the golden seagull" with their father, and then they come home with a big smile and say "We've got garbage for dinner." And then we laugh a little of it.
I also like the garbage burr grinder sometimes. But I value more to be really satisfied with a good solid dinner burr grinder than a burger from McDonalds where the bun letter at the first gust of wind and the steak is so flat that you would think someone had stepped on it.
I am not fanatical. With something. Nor does the food. Sometimes I think people may well be intimidated by my attitudes burr grinder to food because I might wonder more about it than some other people do. It is very important burr grinder in my world. Mostly because I love food. Good food. Animal welfare and nutritional content burr grinder of the food is also something that concerns me a lot. But it makes me so not a health freak or sundhedsapostel. It has just always been for me to be curious about food and drink too for that matter. Interestingly, what it is we put on the engines (carcasses) to get them to run. But health freak, I'm not. I love everything with lots of oil, salt and preferably at least half a bar of chocolate a day (sssh!)
Then there is just what is with exercise. I am by now a lady on the heavy side of the 40s, so exercise is like become a necessity to be able to look themselves in the mirror. For many years running and strength I trained, but we're talking 20 years. That was when I lived in the United States and indeed weighed 10 kg more. So before I had children. After I had children was like not so much time for exercise burr grinder and myself, burr grinder if I understand.
I would rather sit down and enjoy the silence, burr grinder a bright black coffee and a juicy strawberry cake than I would take the trip down to the local gym. How do I feel still. "You can just go for a run," people say. Jaja, and you can just take a leap, .... it will never be me. Not that I would not wish, when I see all those who come regularly burr grinder in their fancy running clothes and looks like something from "Fit"-blade .... but it is so NOT me!
Just over a year ago I was so down for the count with the wildest back pain, which later spread to the entire burr grinder body. If you now sit and think fibromyalgia, so Bingo. Sorry. You can Google it and read more, I will not bore you with it here. But one of the things that characterizes the disease is that some days are okay and others are quite terrible. Some days you are paralyzed by pain, had to be in bed with a lot of pills and the next day it's the biggest upturn, just to get out of bed on half as many pills. Some days may be okay and that I try to put a little burr grinder exercise into during the day.
I decided to seek out a personal burr grinder trainer, who knew something about the body. One that could get me in roughly the form without I had to go out and run or I had to stand on one or another machine for 50 minutes 3 x weekly. For it is not me. I lend me nor to those big teams with 20 people on where nobody really see whether you are doing the exercises burr grinder correctly or not see if you are actually there. Therefore I recommended Sascha burr grinder Ingholt which is one of the best in his field. She has over 20 years experience in training and she has an impressive range of educations. She is a walking advertisement for itself, it would know if I saw her. Sex Thumping good she looks, so it is said. (Maybe she reads, but she can not bear to hear it ;-))
And she's also a wonderful person, behind all the skill has so many other great things. burr grinder She is strong and help to make other strengths. And happy. And in shape. She has small teams of 4-8 and teaches both Reformer Pilates and so a reasonably new concept called Shape-Up. For me it has worked really well to participate on my terms. Sometimes I might have dragged me there with a lot of pain and not done much, but just being in it has helped me. You can choose if you want to become a victim of his pain. I choose to live with them instead.
Shape-Up is as the name says, a team where you can train you in fo

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