Thursday, October 2, 2014

the gynecologist should pichet be?

I have not written down. I did that night when Luke was in Kathu and Tania's bike was stolen, only long before my computer it down and wonder. Living with other married together as I and Luke in our good times together lived together? I sit and think. You hit the bedkassiewekker and later selfoonwekker death. Coming from the double bed and go make coffee, otherwise you all day never awaken. It is indeed an exception to the rule to be sleeping through. While the kids are small, pichet you koudkry deal-they, their nightmare, toeneus- and sore throat they, bednatmaak- them and fear them-during your bedtime. During Tania's first school years it was anxiety about their fights, even if we in a fight-free time. Quarrels pack in children's subconscious together, pichet and at night they come to the surface. At least you sleeping in the same bed. At least you can print after the death of the clock for each other says: "She just woke up twice, she has not had any fever. Or, "What did you dream? Something about the war? " Or, "You remember that I am in
the gynecologist should pichet be? " Or: "Promotion is not everything. I know you are disappointed, but at least you do what you really want to do. One of those days you By Information Certificate. They are going to see, there is still something like merit. Or 'How do you drive? I take your victuals, you should look at your sugar. Later, on the chicken farm, "Is there anything more beautiful than such a sunrise? Hear the guinea fowl. Behold, they walk in the grass. " And later, in Vereeniging, 'We need this all-in-one product that last night advertised on television, trying. It bothers me that the pool is all green. pichet " Or, "Can you sew the knot soon? We maize? I want us to make crumbly; bokspap is wind. Seems other's married days also as ours for years looked? I have it sitting at the computer and think. The children get to school; Luke goes on his way. There is laundry, garden, always the garden for a house without a flower garden is not a home. There is always one or another crisis: Gabi's nephritis, a misunderstanding, Mona's death, migraine, cash flow, a poultry disease, office politics, a door in the rain swell and not open a bent Lawn-mower blade, a broken washing machine, a reënspinnekopbyt, head lice, a melanoma on Luke's arm immediately pichet cut out to be cake sales at school, church bazaar, a defective oven thermostat, a sick dog, budgie or goldfish. Other married couples also live mostly so on the surface that can be like me and Luke for years in our common good times lived? I sat that night and wonder. We have many common good times: beef roast, quickly and focused on our irritations came together a few moments held before we split up, he might Lohatla or Hoedspruit, and I'm in charge of the house and children, animals and finances. There was just never enough time for each other until the
leg to know. Just never enough time. Luke wanted pichet to understand my heart? I do not know. I love him so much that I had for him about what he wanted to be needed? Sometimes, but not enough. Then, unexpectedly pichet and clear, see a woman her husband's heart. So I'm thinking before I Castellyn for December, the shoulder and the ear that night I needed, start writing, I love Luke. My husband is a military man. I have something of the heart during a skoolreünie seen. He spoke his language there. I must admit that for me often the only language in which it was our bread-and-butter, but for some reason, an incident for me among many others. Ten years after matriculation in 1999, we have matric class reunion. We were the class of '89, the year in which the Border War ended. pichet Me and Luke and Tania Gabi for the night at my parents left. Luke was tight but for the opportunity, especially since a guy by the name Heinco who three years I went to school with him, also there would be. Heinco when not with his girlfriend at the time married. He would if the bachelor of the class to be there. We arrived at the hall and we walked in Heinco ran. He and Luke together quickly pichet summarized and then shook hands, one as formal as the others. Heinco gave me a hug and high school said I did not grew it. He, again, the body and that made him appropriate. Luke took me by the elbow away from him. The reunion was interesting pichet to me. The glamor boys and girls of the matric class was still glamorous, the girls are now married to businessmen and young doctors, the hunks
of the time now the spouses of high-maintenance pichet women. Some of the first team players have very properly turned pichet out. Some of the girls were now gray well kept women along well-groomed men. Midget Lambrecht, the number one geeky high school, with French flair in a black No.

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