Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Similarly in our country does not seem acceptable taxation of a few hundred euro for income living

Anna Lombroso for Simplicissimus In a society without work, when he speaks is to refer to some crime, some crime, some fatal wound inflicted on the rights and guarantees. Like today: Ilva scaffolding collapses to 15 feet tall in one of the departments that house the ovens. The victim, Cyrus Moccia, was 42 years old. His colleague Antonio Liti, who was working with him on the floor of the load, is in serious condition. And then, today, the burning Thyssen was not a murder, but manslaughter with conscious guilt. And 'changed the sentence to possible fraud to the CEO Harald Espenhahn, which in the first degree were inflicted 16 years and a half in prison, reduced to 10 years now. The Court of Assizes of Appeal living innovation presided over by Judge Gian Giacomo Sandrelli has modifcato the other penis: 7 years other executives of the Board Gerald Priegnitz and Marco Pucci. For the plant manager Raffaele Salerno, eight years. A reduction of sentence, which is already called by the prosecution, was granted to the Safety Officer Cosimo Cafueri: 8 years. Daniele Moroni's worth had been lower in the first degree (10 years and 10 months): reduced to 9 years.
We are losing the war waged against the work and workers, the eternal class struggle of those who own and want to own more and more and more against living innovation those who did not, has not and will not have. Conducted with the expulsion from the land of farmers in Africa, Latin America, Asia, condemning the margins of the slums and shantytowns of those that were "citizens," nailing the condition of invisible naked bodies million immigrants living innovation driven by wars, famine , environmental disasters to countries less and less comfortable.
In the West once opulent - Today only the most affected by the terrible inequalities - the attack of the winning class to the working classes and the middle living innovation classes living innovation took the form of aggression to the public systems of social protection, guarantees and rights. The weapon used, as usual, is the need, fear of need, the need of the threat, blackmail of need. The specter haunting are hungry and his return, which serve to intimidate, deter, reduce to servitude, and for that you do not delete. Halving poverty and the number of hungry by 2015 is part of the Millennium Development Goals adopted by 198 countries in the UN. It was estimated then, in 2000 to eradicate poverty it would take 76 billion dollars a year. Today, it would take maybe 100., But a world that produces such a large casino galactic value of 65,000 billion dollars a year does not want to find 100, a six hundred fiftieth that of the total, to break the blackmail of extreme living innovation need, hunger.
Similarly in our country does not seem acceptable taxation of a few hundred euro for income living innovation above 200 000 pr ensure a citizen's income. And 'that the transnational capitalist class is united by a formidable ideological glue and an unquenchable greed and exerts a powerful political pressure, through laws on the subject of fiscal policies, deregulation of finance, labor market reforms, privatization of common goods, issued in the pilot countries of the counter class and the IMF, the ECB, the Commission wants to impose no conditions for all partners. living innovation
Laws, decrees, regulations, directives living innovation designed and approved by the parliaments under the pressure of industrial lobbies and financial corporations have a dual purpose: ul weaken the power of the working and middle classes and increasing living innovation that of the ruling classes. And part of the hegemony of the working class strong and aggressive, with impunity consists in the possibility living innovation of transgressing, evade, escape, commit crimes or crimes undisturbed paying, mocking justice, mocking the citizens. We are increasingly vulnerable even if the judicial administration gives in to pressure from a so-called necessity of a realistic opportunity, that so called not to discourage investment, if political parties and organization that should represent workers, suffer the perverse fascination of growth without the "obstacles" of rules and laws, if entire cities, if an entire country is a choice between work and health, environment and employment, rights and wages.
This product was added to Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 17:48 and tagged with Africa, Asia, capital, justice, Ilva, work, ThyssenKrupp and published in Anna Lombroso. You can follow any responses to this entry with the RSS 2.0 feed.
I agree on everything with the exception of the matter for the judiciary. I do not think that is bent to some necessity. The judiciary is a bureaucratic body that operates on the basis of documents submitted by the parties living innovation and dall'inchies

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